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First Data Science Night Kicks Off With Over 100 Attendees

A presentation by Adam Miller kicks off the first Data Science Night, November 6, 2017A presentation by Adam Miller kicks off the first Data Science Night, November 6, 2017
Data Science Night small group break outs.Data Science Night small group break outs.
Data Science Night small group break outs.Data Science Night small group break outs.
Attendees ask questions following Adam Miller's talk.Attendees ask questions following Adam Miller's talk.
Data Science Night small group break outs.Data Science Night small group break outs.

Northwestern University hosted its first, official Data Science Night, or "hack night," on November 6th, 2017. The kickoff brought together over 100 attendees, including undergrads, grad students, postdocs and faculty, as well as some high school students and community members. Attendees heard from Adam Miller, LSSTC Data Science Fellow at CIERA, who gave an interactive presentation on using python and scikit-learn for developing a basic machine learning workflow.

After the presentation, attendees broke out into smaller groups led by Data Science Scholars, Fellows, and other Northwestern community members. These groups began to work on projects using data science tools to investigate data on City of Chicago employees, Oscar winning movies, and Bob Dylan’s lyrics. In other groups, attendees got started on learning to use APIs and preparing for Kaggle competitions. In future months, these groups will reconvene and new learning and project groups will emerge. 

Data Science Nights are organized on a voluntary basis by members of the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO) and the Northwestern Data Science Initiative.

Interested in attending a Data Science Night? Visit:

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